What i wish to write in this particular post are my deepest thoughts that i have only shared with one person so far..i consider myself still extremely shallow in the knowledge of life and religion, and admit that i am in no way "pious" enough to make bold statements about "them"..what i wish to express are my worries and my pondering mind that is searching for an answer..one i accept i may only find in the next life..hu Allah hu alam..
forgive me if what i write here today offends or makes anybody uncomfortable and posts questions about my faith and "understanding"..i assure u that my faith is not shaken and i only ponder because what i observe in this world today is....is what was already written? i guess...
insyaAllah, my heart is in the right place..this is no "ajaran sesat" type post k..take it or leave it..
"But religion is more than rite and ritual. There is what the rite and ritual stand for......"
"When i corrected her, i told her that in fact she was not so wrong; that Hindus in their capacity for love, are indeed hairless Christians, just as Muslims, in the way they see God in everything, are bearded Hindus, and Christians, in their devotion to God, are hat-wearing Muslims."
- Life of Pi (Yann Martel)
From what i understand,
Religion is a release, a way of life, a form of devotion that gives us sanity in understanding our existence and reason for life..
Science is knowledge that explains the order of everything that exists in life and how it all co-relates to each other..which gives birth to logic, which can also be considered rational..
i believe that everything in life can be rationalized, can be understood and can be solved..it's just a matter of timing and inspiration..but in order for everything to make sense, a person needs to WANT to rationalize, to understand, and to solve..i completely believe that with rational, people will understand, and all conflicts in the world can be resolved.
Humans were born with the ability to rationalize..to produce logic..that is our gift..we were also all born as one species, in one category, with the same characteristics and needs in life..with also the same function and the same progressive route of survival..
so what about specialty? what about exclusiveness? hierarchy and social strata???
all things need to exist in order for life to achieve balance..it is inevitable..i accept that.
Life is filled with doubt..doubt is what keeps us on our toes..the reason why we occasionally question ourself..the reason why we reflect, learn and search for the truth..for knowledge..whether academic, social or spiritual..self-righteousness is equivalent to IGNORANCE..stupid people are not the worst form of humans, it is ignorant people who are..
Ignorance leads to selfishness..you only choose to want to know, to believe, and to accept things that only you want..only things that are to your benefit..because understanding completely is just too difficult..but does that make it right?
this ludacris thought process gives birth to instances like:
"i can build my mosques everywhere and turn on my speakers as loud as possible because my muslim brothers need to hear the azan and you kafir people need to be dakwah-ed to" BUT "if you dare think of building a temple in my territory i will dismember a sacred symbol and kill anyone who tries"
"i am so much more muslim than you are, it's too bad that you were born non-muslim, i guess i'm going to heaven and you're going to hell"
"saudara baru? it's too late now..anyway, it's not my problem that you don't know how to perform your prayers and read the Quran..go find help somewhere else lah, there's PERKIM right..it's hard enough for me to keep myself out of hell."
"no, i am never wrong. because i am a hijab wearing, 5 times a day praying, abiding muslim..because i am fantastic in my relationship towards God that i don't care about my relationship with everyone else around me."
i'm sorry if i'm too crude and blatant..but there's too much of this happening today, it irks every bit of life in me..this "save myself and screw everyone else" attitude..this "i am so much better than you", "who is more "holier"" attitude..what is all this?? this is not Islam..i don't have to be a Muslim to know that!
it's not surprising that the number of atheists grow by the day..it is not surprising that more and more people stray away from religion..it is even understandable to me how people have questioned religion and the existence of God..
it is not religion that plague people from progress, rational, humanity and "science"..not religion that cause people to hate, to kill, to divide and be prejudice..
it is people that infect religion to been seen as a plague.
shame on "PEOPLE"