Was reading a funny photo comment on Pudu Jail on Facebook when I realised I never knew how it looked like in aerial view. This led to google and the stumbling upon updates on the Pudu redevelopment plan.
It's depressing really looking at the state of dialogue within the country. Many forums, sites and articles mainly discuss it's economic and political feasibility with hardly any concern on cultural, social and accessibility impact. One particular 'expert' involved in the redevelopment was even quoted saying "...it's all about rebranding properly, people will eventually forget after a while. Especially with the new generation buying into the market..."
Are you serious? Is this the way we as Malaysians treat history? We are more concerned with taboo and bad vibes compared to the issue of heritage and national identity? How are we suppose to feel any sort of patriotism if we intentionally choose to forget things in our past for convenience?
It's completely appropriate to redevelop the area due to its location, but such stupidity is unacceptable. Apartments? Office Space? Yet another commercial complex? A vehicular transport hub, on that point of Jalan Hang Tuah?? Have we really not learned being more than 50 years independant?
There is more than just commerce involved in making KL a "vibrant livable city". Everyone is so concerned about making the most profit, no one stops to ask the more important questions. There are so many underlying issues that need to be addressed.
How can we make KL more accessible without relying on vehicles? Out of the people who commute in and out of KL, what is the percentage of those who actually live in KL? Do we then need to provide a better public transport to network the outside of KL? Being a historical city centre in its own right, where are the evidence? Are these attractions accessible? What are their urban functions? What is the global image that KL represents? What are our existing gardens and parks like? Why don't we choose to link them? Why do people prefer not to travel on foot? Do people feel safe in KL? Why if Yes or No? This can go on forever to be honest, and it's things students in the industry learn but why is it so hard to be applied in 'real-world-Malaysia'. Why then can other countries do it?
Yes, something should be done as part of the greater KL city plan, but I'm convinced we as Malaysians can do better than this. Let's stop being so greedy and explore a larger picture.
I'm appalled at the investors that had initiated the Pudu redevelopment, I'm angry at the government for not intervening immediately enough, I'm frustrated at the general crowd that discusses shallow opinions on the matter, I'm completely pissed at LAM and PAM for not doing anything nearly enough, I am mostly so angry at myself for being so ignorant of this previously that I didn't do anything either.
Will mentality be the continued delay of our nation? Will we ever rise above this...
When will we choose to step-up and do something rather than complain on the sidelines? What can I do to affect any change, whattttt??! Arghhhhh..so frustratingggg
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