This space contains the ramblings of a post young adult who's in be warned..i have not got around to updating the links on the left hand side, so also be warned, some of them will lead you to n o t h i n's probably important to also clarify that i write for personal pleasure, thus, most posts are indulgent, whiny or both..happy reading :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tea House Cafe

Had a great day out this morning..the sun was up and blinding which is absolutely fantastic..even the chilly wind at 3 degrees Celsius felt like summer..haha..

Was having lunch at my favourite miso soup noodles cafe and watching Bold Street come to life..there was a range rover looking vehicle side parking by my window and I thought to myself, damn I miss driving..

It's that feeling u get when u vainly think the whole world is watching u struggling to side park, just waiting for u to make a stupid "lady driver" mistake so they can laugh at how horrid ure side parking skills are..

The weird things u miss in life :p

architecture ; "it is the total environment made visible"
- Suzanne Langer

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