This space contains the ramblings of a post young adult who's in be warned..i have not got around to updating the links on the left hand side, so also be warned, some of them will lead you to n o t h i n's probably important to also clarify that i write for personal pleasure, thus, most posts are indulgent, whiny or both..happy reading :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011


salty seas..windy whirls..
it's hard to be..when thoughts unfurl..
needs and wants..hates, despise..
when which is what, where do we start..
utter conviction and perpetual reasons..
are they just lies of the changing seasons?
why disappointment, why despair?
curiously, why is there even care?
hopes and dreams, impulsive whims..
delusions and fancies, of that intangibly there
maybe here? maybe not anywhere..
yet so upset..we do still dare..
to thirst, to crave, unrequited..
to hurt, to bleed, scarred; defeated..
a strangely tasteful disposition..
what will be should be
and what unyielding vagary should be made be
by me
the satisfying need of an emotional body
the continuous beat of a rhythmic heart
a fresh start.

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