This space contains the ramblings of a post young adult who's in be warned..i have not got around to updating the links on the left hand side, so also be warned, some of them will lead you to n o t h i n's probably important to also clarify that i write for personal pleasure, thus, most posts are indulgent, whiny or both..happy reading :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A New Beginning

it's my second day in Liverpool and after almost 2 months of silence i'm ready to blog again :)

so i was the butt of a bit of drama when i arrived in Manchester..being the occasionally half deaf person i am, i misheard this senior airport officer who was segregating people arriving into lines..he was saying "non-students" but ofcourse i heard "students" dumb right..then i kena marah by him really loudly when i reached the counter..i was so embarrassed, it took me a good half hour to get over it..sigh..but it's alright, i think my face went charcoal black after and the officer that dealt with me i think felt really sorry n was being really nice about it..

i fell asleep on the bus to i was out cold for like 3/4 of the journey..haha..but as soon as i woke up..the view was just amazing..i really felt like i'm on campus ground u know..with halls, n fields, n departments, n a real-life gothic cathedral..i'm like "oh yeah, this is for real!"..haha!

i'm happy with my room..its size is just right and with the addition of my computer, a small floor mat, toiletries rack n blue tacked photos, soon it's gonna be awesome..

so i'm taking note of how many friends i've made right..haha..i'm just lame like that..whether or not they consider me a friend as well is a separate matter :p n officially it's 10 and counting..yeaahhhhhh!! hahaha
  1. Wendy from China
  2. Michelle from Taiwan
  3. Alex from Romania
  4. Arsene from France
  5. Dikla from Israel
  6. Fahmi from Indonesia
  7. Samad from Spain
  8. Hennah from China
  9. Zheng from China
  10. Irina from Elstonia
cool right! :D..i'm hella proud of myself man..ngehehehe..i'm such a geeeeekkkkkk..sigh..i still find making friends sooo's ok, crash course time!

and i'm suffering from some shit ass jet lag at the's in that stage where it's half cured so i still zombie-size at around 5.30pm but instead of sleeping in up till 4am i'm awake at 9pm, headaches n Arsene had asked if i wanted to chill n i said i'd really love to after i take a nap n now it's freakin 10pm so he's probably out having fun already..bummerrrrr :(

oh oh, n i passed the School of Architecture building today n i feel it seriously, i FEEL IT!..inspired n all!!..rrroooaaaaaarrrrrr!! hahaha!!!..hope i'll be able to cope..the coolness of everything is kinda intimidating n freakin me out :p haven't met any studio mates yet though..would be really interesting..hmm hmm hmmmmmm

so yeah..everything's going alright as of now..i was feeling a bit emo-ed out this evening..i think homesickness is kicking in :( n everytime i pay for something my brain automatically multiplies by 5 which makes me feel like i don't want to eat anything..hahaha..but if it's considered pound for pound, i think the living cost here is not bad at all..

i also think that some locals tend to be quite racist unintentionally..but who could blame them, it seems like half their country is covered in foreigners..things can get quite lonely n boring if takde kawan, so i think berkawan-kawan is seriously important man..

so i'm experiencing problems uploading anymore photos..dunno why..will put up some stuff in my next post then :) all in all, i'm having a great time..thank God..hopefully it'll carry on this way till whenever..i'm gonna make myself dinner now, goodnight~*


Syima said...

racist?? how racist?? =o

Unknown said...

takde lah..ada yang mcm takut sikit or tak suka bila i ask for directions or something..n some of them do look down at asians yg dtg they treat me differently spt org immigration itu..they mcm don't like lah..but comparatively sgt sikit yg mcm tu..1-2 je out of like maybe 50 :)

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