This space contains the ramblings of a post young adult who's in be warned..i have not got around to updating the links on the left hand side, so also be warned, some of them will lead you to n o t h i n's probably important to also clarify that i write for personal pleasure, thus, most posts are indulgent, whiny or both..happy reading :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The End of Mr Y by Scarlett Thomas

This isn't my copy but i like this cover better! :(

have you ever read a book and upon finishing it go "what the freakin f***?"..i would have to say that this is the effect The End of Mr Y had on me..i really don't know what to make of it..i think this is really the first time i literally understand what "mind-boggling" means..but don't get me wrong, i loved it!'s like 2 parts of an extreme universe forced into 1 ridiculously addictive's like hollow man meets narnia, or if dan brown decided to take a dip in enid blyton's dreams..hmm.. enid blyton, really? maybe more bjork or emily the's just really weird..

at first i kept on getting headaches trying to understand scarlett thomas's views of the theory of relativity, newtonian physics, the big bang, darwin, einstein, all of the quotes and discussions and "thought experiments" as she calls it..i felt that it was important for me to indulge in order to really enjoy the was very hard, basing on the very shallow knowledge of science i have..hahaha..

and then csi was on, and grissom was explaining (lucky) the theory of relativity in his words, some other important physics fact and string theory..i really like the way he tied the 3 was simple and logical..and i accept it..

as i progressed through the book, i started feeling cold and creepy-ed out that this will turn into a ghost story..i gave up reading horror books a long time ago because i have an uncontrollable obsession to imagine everything i read in "HD" detail which causes sleepless nights and freaky nightmares..but no, i find out later there's no ghosts involved..but there's an oversized talking mouse in a red cape..(wtf???)..

but scarlett then simply explains the logic behind this and i'm satisfied..i don't throw the book away and curse a million profanities..i get it..and now the book starts to blur between real life accounts and fiction..i start to really wonder can "this" really exist?'s really beyond my self-proclaimed "HD" imagination abilities..for once, i cant imagine what i'm reading..4 dimensional objects, how would that look like? see rain falling on you but not feel it or hear it? have all things actually be defined by mostly "space"..oooooohhhhhhh...

now this is fun.

then there's that tell-tale hint of "true love" that always (ok, almost always) has to be a part of a female written novel..(sorry, i admit i'm partially sexist).."i'm sorry, but do i know you from somewhere?"..true love myth always includes some sort of deja-vu experience..and i like it, the struggle the main character faces between what she has become and what she really wants to be..or rather with who she feels she deserves to be with..which leads to........*drum-roll*

the ending?..this was where it got to "what the freakin f***?" was refreshing, yet totally unexpected..and to be honest, a little hard to swallow..hahahaha..the 1st thing that crossed my mind was, how did she ever get to that? like how did the thought process for the idea behind the book even occur? it's brilliant yet extremely, bogus..i dunno how else to put it..

i have to say, i like the idea of thought having mass and being matter..i like thinking of collected prayer as a form of energy that could either influence "thought" or the creation of something else..i also like to dwell in the possibility of thinking thought into reality by thinking in the language of the universe..that's really nice..

ps : i'm tempted to concoct my own out of body experience using this recipe in the book..but i'm scared..hahahahahaha..i'm so naive..

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