This space contains the ramblings of a post young adult who's in be warned..i have not got around to updating the links on the left hand side, so also be warned, some of them will lead you to n o t h i n's probably important to also clarify that i write for personal pleasure, thus, most posts are indulgent, whiny or both..happy reading :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Palestinian Awareness Day Organised by C.O.M.P.L.E.T.E

The main objective of the campaign is to further educate/clarify/enlighten the general public on the actual situation in Gaza and why this issue is an international one. 

The war in Gaza is not a religious issue and should not just be viewed as one as the oppression is a humanitarian issue.

People are left injured,dying and rotting in Gaza with no basic human necessities like water, food, electricity, medication and such with miniscule hope of receiving any through its borders or even getting out.

Gaza is an open air prison of war refugees, tortured and abandoned, retaliating only through sheer desperation. 

Now, they are punished for practicing their right for democracy.

Help sympathise with this already fragile country by attending the exhibition this Sunday, 18th of January 2009. Maybe with more knowledge and understanding on the matter we could better ourselves in expressing opinions on the matter and ultimately just be more informed on this crucial humanitarian outrage.

It is our responsibility to educate ourselves, in order to protect ourselves.

1 comment:

Syima said...

ni yang sara promote2 tu ek?

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