This space contains the ramblings of a post young adult who's in be warned..i have not got around to updating the links on the left hand side, so also be warned, some of them will lead you to n o t h i n's probably important to also clarify that i write for personal pleasure, thus, most posts are indulgent, whiny or both..happy reading :)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tick Tock, Will Time Say Stop?

possibly torn
incomplete and unborn
the feelings inside
which my heart cannot hide

for love or for life
for right or for height
for which passion ignites
for which is brighter in light

dazed and amazed
unbelievably hazed
what i feel inside?
do they feel a flight?

the truth to be told
in future it holds
guilty yet happy?
an epic story...

clear but a liar?
regrettably so familiar
yet cautiously grazing the unfamiliar

this engulfing feeling...
my desire.

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